Release Information

Release Notes

We release new versions of GnuPG Desktop® over time which fix bugs, improve the user interface and sometimes also offer new functions.

Please note that the 4th digit of the version number does not indicate any functional changes, but merely reflects a change in the standard or customer-specific configuration. Versions not mentioned were created for testing purposes only and were not released to customers.

Notes in brackets are either error reports (e.g. T2002) or notes on changes to the source code (commits). These clues can be searched for on our public development platform

Version 4.3.0 released 2024-02-02

  • Now uses GnuPG 2.4 with many new features compared to GnuPG 2.2.
  • Multi card reader and token support.
  • Support for smartcards and tokens implementing the PIV standard.
  • Support for a faster encryption modus (OCB).
  • Faster access to keys in larger keyrings due to the use of the new keyboxd system.
  • A new mail viewer mode has been added, allowing crypto mails received by mail clients without PGP/MIME or S/MIME support to be decrypted. This means that you can open an SMIME.p7m file or openpgp-encrypted-message.asc attachment with Kleopatra, and it will be displayed as a mail. [T6199]
  • Inclusion of the Okular PDF Viewer in a special GnuPG Edition. This edition provides the ability to sign and verify documents with a qualified electronic signature (QES,EIDAS) and is optimized to be lightweight and to provide as little attack surface as possible. It does not support any active content like JavaScript or media files in PDF documents. It should therefore be more suitable in high security environments than most other PDF Viewers. Note that Okular is not installed by default. Its installation can be selected in the advanced installer dialog.

Version 3.1.26 released 2022-12-14

  • This is the first released version of GnUPG Desktop which is, like GnuPG VS-Desktop, based on GnuPG 2.2.